
Snowtree Consulting, Coaching, and Training was founded by Alyssa Schneebaum, Ph.D., to apply scientific knowledge about gender and the economy to businesses, organizations, teams, and individuals. We support those who want to address gender-specific economic issues in scientifically-founded ways. We also support academics in reaching their highest potential to produce scientific knowledge.

Alyssa Schneebaum, Ph.D.

I was born and raised in Queens, New York, where anyone with their eyes open can learn about structural inequality. In school, I excelled in math, reading and writing, and – most importantly to me at the time – sports. During my Bachelor’s at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, I majored in Economics and what was then called Women’s Studies. I remember the “aha” moments in which I realized that for me, the two were inseparable. I thus pursued a Master’s and Ph.D. in Economics and a graduate certificate in Advanced Feminist Theory from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

I have lived in Vienna since 2011. My first job here was teaching at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna), and I have worked at and with WU since then. I have also taught at the University of Vienna, at JKU in Linz, and various Fachhochschulen in Vienna. My work is regularly in the media. I give keynote lectures at academic meetings, for political and student groups, and in business contexts. During my academic career I received approximately one million Euros in research funding, which I’ve used to hire and lead teams of a total of almost 40 employees.

Alyssa Schneebaum coaching consulting training

Media coverage on research paper results

Coverage for paper on Globalization and Gender Equality der StandardKuriernachrichten.atForum

Coverage for paper on Division of Labor in Same-Sex Couples 
New York Times

Coverage for paper on the Returns to Preschool Attendance 
Der Standard, 2016Der Standard, 2018Die Presseorf.atZukunftsBranchen

Coverage for paper on the Gender Wealth Gap – Person Level 
Der Standardorf.atKurier – VOL – Kleine Zeitungvienna.atNEWStrend.onlineWiener Zeitung

Coverage for paper on the Gender and Migration Background in Intergenerational Educational Mobility 
orf.atArbeit & WirtschaftDer Standard

Coverage for paper on Assortative Mating and Wealth Inequality 
NEWS – Wiener ZeitungWU Blog

Coverage for paper on the Gender Wealth Gap – Household Level 
Der StandardWiener Zeitung – Tiroler Tageszeitung – Arbeit & Wirtschaft Blog

Interviews, commentaries & editorials

Interview on ZIB1 for International Women's Day (March 2024)

Interview for Bloomberg Quicktake on wages in the LGBTQ+ community 
(June 2021)

Interview in die Welt on gender-equal language in job postings 
(May 2021)

Interview for Wolfgang Magazine on increasing the US minimum wage (February 2021)

Comment in Die Presse on the US response to the COVID crisis 
(July 2020)

Interview on Ö1 im Gespräch, an hour-long conversation about gender matters in our economic lives 
(November 2019)

Commentary on changes to Austrian welfare system 
(January 2019): ORFKleine Zeitung – APA

Interview in Kurier on the gender pay gap 
(January 2018)

Interview on Heute Leben (ORF2, video) on the gender pay gap 
(April 2017)

Interview on Heute Mittag (ORF, video) on the gender pay gap 
(March 2017)

Interview in Der Standard on the gender pay gap 
(October 2016)

Comment in Der Standard on intergenerational mobility 
(September 2015)

Discussant in Der Standard on intergenerational inequality (August 2015)